Power to the People
Silence isn’t the answer.
The following blog post is my opinion and what’s at stake during these uncertain times.
First & foremost, my sincere and genuine apologies to the Floyd family as they are mourning and recovering during this time. May be peace be with you very soon, and may justice be served for the late George Floyd. Fly high.
Secondly, I’m pleased to see some progress begin to unfold: former Minneapolis police officer who MURDERED George Floyd has been re-charged with second degree murder. The other three officers involved in the CRUEL MURDER of George Floyd are finally being charged.
All fifty states, and even other countries, are protesting against America’s absolute fucked up justice system and government. A race war has begun, and there’s only one to blame:
The government.
They are the root of the people’s problems. They have taken what could’ve been the perfect society, and turned it into a money-hungry, corporation-feeding, boot-legging, savages. They say history repeats itself, boy could that statement not be more true.
These are upsetting times with unfair and violent racial profiling against black men and women. Violent racial profiling from the law. Violent racial profiling coming from the men and women who, I thought, were supposed to “serve and protect.” They are murdering innocent black men, women, and children around this country, and right in front of our eyes, ONLINE. Murderer Chauvin and those other dirtbag “cops” knew damn well they were being recorded. Why didn’t they stop? Why was nothing done? Why did we witness an individual’s death via social media?
Why did it take over a full week after George Floyd’s death for anything to happen? Why did Chauvin get a plea deal in the first place? Why did the government defend the former officers? Our government is a fucking joke that doesn’t care for it’s citizens.
“President” Trump has tweeted about sending the military into protesting cities to control the citizens of America.
This is what they wanted. They wanted us to fight. They want to see us try and overthrow them.
We will.
We won’t give up. The government will be overthrown. We must come together as one to override their outdated and racist policies. We must instate polices that protect the PEOPLE. Take down big corporations. Take down big pharma. Take down the roots of society’s issues and restart as one.
Until then,