New Opportunities
Ya girl got some cool sh*t happening.
Happy Thursday! I hope y’all are getting stoned and surrounded by good vibes.
Recently a dispatch position has opened up at Zero Gravity Extracts and I was referred. Let me just say how DAMN excited I was for an opportunity like this. I’ve been keeping my eyes open for cannabis positions in the greater Portland area, so I’m very happy this offer fell into my hands.
If you aren’t familiar, Zero Gravity Extracts is a MMP compliant Maine medical delivery service and extraction company. I freakin’ love these guys. I made a Big Smooth Sample & Sesh awhile back on my Weedtube and they thanked me with a goody basket of product and apparel as well as featured me on their website for that one, and future reviews. I was hella ecstatic with having my videos being uploaded on a website like that. That’s fucking tight.
Today was a training day for dispatch. I nailed it, if I do say so myself. It’s one of those jobs were you just have to do it and try it in order to figure out if you can do it. It’s 100% computer work, which will be different for me, BUT it’s a work from home job so I’m mad excited about that.
I’m really hoping this opportunity works out. I’ve been eager for some work in this field and I think this if the perfect outlet for me to start with. Very very eager to see how this goes.
Please send all the good vibes! Ya girl needs ‘em.
Stay high y’all,