New Headquarters
Hello. Hola. Bonjour.
I’m the Coastal Girl, and welcome to my blog!
Yep. I did it.
I made a blog.
I’ve dabbled in writing blogs before, but I haven’t dove deep and have minimal experience in doing so.
Please bare with me in getting these babies rolling. I’m going to have various types of content in these posts from strain reviews, shop reviews, interviews, menus, etc. Be prepared for the awesome.
Join me in this new adventure, the more the merrier! I have one rule: POSITIVITY ONLY! There’s no need for negativity in this world, there’s enough as it is! Think of this space as a safe and positive zone. This also goes along with my social media links as well (Twitter, Instagram, & the Weedtube). Let’s vibe!
I think this is a good intro. Right? Thoughts? Let me know!
The thoughts of the viewer/reader always matter. Without the feedback, I can’t improve as an influencer and business. Please feel free to reach out with any concerns. Head over to my Contact page to give me a shout.
Thank you all for taking the time to read this, you will hear from me soon!
Stay high my friends,